Monday, January 28, 2013

Movies Exploration 4

     The movies i like the best are the one that make my mind work the movies that make you think. movies that have a meaning or a purpose behind them connect to the viewer more than one that does not. i watch everything from action packed blow em up movies to chick flicks. but some of my favorites include thrillers and comedy's. But it is whatever triggers my curiosity either it be on netflix, blockbuster, or the movies. i like to go to the movies and not look what showing until i get there.
 If i had to choose only on movie to recommend to someone it would have to be Worlds Fastest Indian by Roger Donaldson. It is an incredible move about Burt Munro and his adventure to see how fast his modified Indian scout motorcycle can go. all throughout the movie Burt faces problems and set backs the entire way to Bonneville. The move shows great determination and perseverance by this one man to live his dream.  

The golden age of movies produced a lot of actors and actresses
but one of the most famous was Ava Gardner. Ava was born in Brogden North Carolina. at the age of nineteen she moved to California to start her acting career. Her first major move was the lead role in Whistle Stop in 1946. But sh is probably know for her countless relationship with other famous people of the time such as Frank Sinatra and Howard Hughes. But after her marriage with Frank she moved to Spain in 1958 and introduced to Luis Miguel dominguin by Ernest Hemingway. Finally after ten years in Spain she moved to England were she suffered from two strokes. then on January 25,1990 she passed due to pneumonia and thus the end of a great actress.


  1. I have seen The Worlds Fastest Indian on tv several times and I have not seen it yet. My step dad told me that its a good movie, so im going to have to watch it.

  2. I really like watching watching movies that make you make you think. The worlds fastest indian is also a great movie.

  3. I think that your method of going to the movies is the best one. I always find that if I go to the movies and already know what I want to watch, I see a different movie that I'd rather watch more.

  4. I'll have to watch the Worlds Fastest Indian, it seems like a pretty good movie and you really gave it good reviews in class! I'm pretty much like you when it comes to movies, I like them all and just enjoy a movie that makes you think.
