Monday, January 14, 2013

Rob Cherry

My name is Rob Cherry, I am from Delaware Ohio. Right now I am in the middle of writing a fictional story with hopes to publish it.

In writing my poem I know from past experience that a lot of poems often are big on subtly so I tried not to say too much outright, just enough to get the general idea out or have the ability to piece information together. I found that I am a tad better at poetry than I expected but still prefer story writing.

Some thoughts about the American dream: "[It] mostly deals with coming down to attaining alot of money. A lot of what is coveted in life, or even to survive now-a-days comes down to a hefty price tag."

Now my Poem

A simple man with common interests
A broken man with painful loss
You are your own man, and you can be the boss

From happy beginnings
To youthful cheer
A child who would not know fear

Your world was split into two
A mother, a father
And neither could be with you

A mom who praised you and raised you
A father who pushed and pulled
You have always strived

A sport, not in a court
An alley, greens and field
All your opponents yield had to yield

You saw your best
Despised your worst
Everything else was but the rest

Arrogance, honor or pride
These are only words
You control your tide

A question, if you will
Might I ask where this is from
Could it be family, self or is it a drill

Nothing is always for the best
Hard times break the sand
We should have never needed to lay her to rest


Burden, guilt or drive
I have only this to say
My friend, my brother, you always thrived

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your version of the American Dream and I hope to read your book one day.
